Hartlepool People Centre
Savings of over £10,000 for community centre serving the needs of the people of Hartlepool.
Hartlepool People is a voluntary organisation running a large community resource centre dedicated to promoting and addressing the needs of the people of Hartlepool.
Its aim is to develop personal skills, self-confidence, quality of life, and employment prospects for the people in Hartlepool. They achieve this through a programme of skills, educational and recreational classes, and a wide variety of volunteer and training opportunities.
Project Scope
Savings of over £10,000
Dispute resolution with previous supplier
- Dedicated Account Manager
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We have had the most amazing help and support from UGP in the changing over of our energy contracts. Our present energy supplier had not given us all the facts on energy prices and had sold us a contract that was not in the interest of our charity.

I would encourage any company or charity to seek help from UGP as they really came to our rescue. They were so helpful and supportive even when I was tearing my hair out with worry.
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